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What you need to know about the full moon on January 28th 2021

Cards pulled for the full moon: 7 of wands, 3 of cups, knight of pentacles

Cards pulled for upcoming mercury retrograde: king of wands, ace of cups

On January 28th we have a full moon in Leo, we may see the big picture thanks to the recent new moon in Capricorn. We may have planted some seeds for the future but the vision is cloudy with an upcoming mercury retrograde blurring our vision (which begins on the 30th). We are not going to see our manifestations come to light during this mercury shadow phase and full moon, but we will be doing a lot of purging, clearing and resting. The Leo full moon can create a lot of drama and chaos (7 of wands) we may be battling with our emotions and our practical beliefs. Some recent protests and arguments from the recent past may have a lot of emotion resurfacing in us. Expect to revisit the past to grasp how far we've come and if we have truly learned the lessons we have cycled through. If anger and argument arises take a step back, mercury retrograde does not allow for arguments to go well. With the 3 of cups I see people wanting to come together, reunite, gather and even drink some booze around this full moon. You may finally see a friend and discuss some fun topics while getting a little tipsy. With the knight of pentacles if you are expecting money to come in or a lover to offer you something expect delays and slow movement. You may have a light bulb moment where you see your path very clearly in the realm of career and physical wants, keep in mind that though you know your next move and how to do it, it will take patience, hard work and conservatism. There is something you know you want to work towards and manifest, but it will be hard work and require a lot of baby steps. If you are in a relationship or working towards one, expect for issues around cheating or past experiences where you were cheated on to be revisited and healed. Friendships that fell through the cracks and disappeared or had a falling out may be re-examined. If they are not in your life right now, do you really want to invite them back in again?

Full moon advice: Release, rest and have a good time with people you trust. if you want to fight or break up or bicker keep it to yourself and journal about it instead. Mercury plays tricks on our minds and words so do not let this placement get the best of you. With multiple signs in Aquarius it is advisable to explore your emotions through a creative outlet like free writing, photography, poetry or even painting. Purge those emotions in a constructive way, do not vomit your anger onto another, you may not be able to take it back.

Sit alone in your room with nothing but a cup of hot herbal tea with honey and play "Call it Fate Call it Karma" by the Strokes on repeat til you feel an emotion well up in you. Follow that emotion where it takes you.

In regards to the cards pulled for this mercury retrograde in Aquarius beginning on January 30th, it will have us exploring issues around our anger, our leadership abilities and new beginnings in love. Valentine's Day is coming up and we may be very intellectual and practical about our romances right now, thank the aloof Aquarian energy for this detached attitude. Use this placement to your advantage by examining and seeing your love life from a bird's eye view. In love and in friendships how have you been toxic? How can you learn from these experiences and implement change? How can you find your independence while still being a part of something? How can you give and receive without attachment or resentment? In what ways have you been giving too much to another that you have forgotten about your own self care? Self care is more important than ever right now. Rest, write, explore, dream, but do not react unless it is from a place of love and care. In what ways can you fall back in love with yourself again? After the full moon which requires purging and release what will you call in to replace what needs to leave your life? How can you be the leader of your experience while still existing within the flow? You are strong. This retrograde will only shake foundations that weren't strong enough to begin with.

Good luck to you! For a personal psychic reading to delve into whatever your hearts desire is, contact me through the contact me page or on my @lu_syd_tarot instagram and we can arrange a tarot reading for you.

-Love Syd


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