This is the dawning of the season of Aquarius
I was raised by an Aquarius. I think this puts me in a good position to say I know the sign pretty dang well. In a nutshell, Aquarians are... kind of nutty, but in the best way. My mom may be in her 50s but she has always had the youthful energy that makes her better at talking to my age group than I do. Aquarians are very silly, they will giggle til they pee. Aquarians also are very observant and love to people watch, they find humans so interesting and just know how to talk to anybody, even strangers at the grocery store. Aquarians may be quirky and strange (in a cool revolutionary kind of way) but they will make any stranger into their best friend, I know Aquarians who will literally let strangers jump in their car if they need a ride. Aquarians make awesome friends because in some way or another they will show you they care whether it be with acts of kindness or gift giving or just spending their precious time with you. Aquarians are known for being quite aloof at times, but that doesn't mean they don't love with all their heart. They may not bow down to you and say i love you in an overwhelming way or even be all over you, but they will stay by your side and be there for you no questions asked. They will tell you the truth!
"Do I look fat?" They will be honest with you and say yes if it's true. Aquas have a mysterious side to them mostly due to the fact that they're in another world sometimes (a world they fucking adore living in). This mysterious side is just how they come off, but they really do have the need to always be honest. Sometimes they will blurt out hilarious things that were in their head without thinking, so in that aspect they really don't have much to hide. They also have amazing taste in the realm of interior decorating, color coordination and fashion, they cannot stop shopping.
Aquarians are fixed signs, meaning they are set in their ways. Aquas know themselves, they know what they like and don't like, do not expect that to change. They will tell you how they feel/ their opinions because honestly they are only concerned with what people think when they want to be. The sign of Aquarius is represented by the water bearer or the star card in astrology (this is my favorite card aesthetically and is pictured at the end of the blog). The star card describes them in a nut shell, they are not afraid to be independent and shine, so if you try to dull their glitter or box it in... say bye bye. The star card is a wish card, if you get it in a reading then it is a great time to manifest your desires into the physical. This card has to do with spirituality, hope, a refreshing time, but sometimes excesses. When the star card shows up I often warn people to keep in check their greed/sloth/lust/alcohol consumption. I think of give and take/ reciprocation with the star card too. As the humanitarian archetype, the water-bearer can give so much to a person, a cause, a friendship without asking much in return, but someday they will say something and resent it. It is important for such a loving sign to have good boundaries and prioritize self care.
The sign of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus which lends Aquarians the structure and practicality to be a businessman/woman, but also the visionary creativity to be something extraordinary. Some people around age 27 (born 1993/1994) are experiencing their Saturn return in Aquarius right now. This means these people were born with their Saturn in Aquarius and the planetary alignment has returned to that. Saturn in Aquarius collectively affects everybody too. Saturn is a planet of constrictions, rules and structure while Aquarian energy is expansive and does not like to be held down or held back. This makes for an interesting time in humanity where people are taking on their social justice warrior stance to break the chains holding them back because the structure in charge is suffocating. In this two and a half year transit expect for big shifts to happen in government, technology and human rights as people break down these crippling boxes society has put people in for far too long. This will be frustrating, but the lessons will be so potent you will never be the same (in a good way I promise, expect to upgrade).
I advise you to stay creative, stay grounded and to be bold this Aqua season. With mercury retrograde in the sign of Aquarius (there are so many planets in Aquarius right now it is crazy, that is why I need to emphasize what Aquarius vibes are like) it is a beautiful time to manifest, to slow down and to let inspiration come from spirit (find time to meditate and take deep breaths). Aquarians are dreamers and have very spiritual inclinations but with some practicality sprinkled in their too, so keep that in mind. Stay loyal to those you vibe with and maybe make some goals together? Lastly, if you are an Aquarius happy birthday I love you!!!
By the way the Age of Aquarius is not yet upon us which goes against what a lot of these astrologers and spiritual people be sayin, that will be a post/rant for another time.
Below is a link to my Spotify playlist titled "Aquarius" with hundreds of songs that remind me of Aqua energy. Enjoy! It's pretty groovy.
(picture is from a grate tarot site for us students of tarot)